Monday, November 21, 2011

February 14-19, 1955: Snoopy hates that balloon

February 14
Sight gag.  Did kids of Charlie Brown's age play hockey?  I think he's around seven at this time.

The splash lines around Charlie Brown's head are very effective.  If I have occasion to draw a splash, I find I do it the same way.  I probably picked that up from Peanuts.

February 15
Modern times.  If this strip were updated for the present day Charlie Brown's farm would probably be industrial agribusiness.

February 16
Brutal honesty.  More cartooning banter between Charlie Brown and Schroeder.  What is it about Schroeder that makes him a good test audience for C.B.'s work?  It might have to do with him being the mot artistically-developed of Schulz's personalities.

February 17
Turnabout.  That is a very angry Snoopy there in panel three.  On panel two though, in my experience deflating balloons don't go swish.  Instead they make a noise that is charitably referred to as a raspberry.  I wonder if this has to do with a change in balloon construction in the fifty-five years since this strip.

February 18
Unexpected honestly mixed with ignorance.  This is the first time any of Schulz's characters has really engaged in writing. While the  intellectual development of the characters is fluid depending on the needs of the strip, there does seem to be a sort of consistency to it.  To my knowledge Schulz doesn't use Lucy for jokes about school reports, like he does for Peppermint Patty or Sally, which sort of implies the character is a good writer just from the absence of examples of her being bad at it.

And can't you just imagine Lucy writing a newspaper column?  Probably "Diary of a Fussbudget" can be found on the Opinion page.

February 19

Another sight gag.  More lines like the surprise lines in the first strip.  Sometimes Snoopy is disdainful of being expected to perform dog-like activities, but sometimes he goes along with it.


  1. Wow. A Shermy appearance. Haven't seen him in awhile.

  2. And can't you just imagine Lucy writing a newspaper column?

    Well, now we have Ann Coulter.

  3. Can't remember ever seeing Lucy do a school report, but several years after this strip we did see her write a testy letter to the AMA when she wasn't happy about being diagnosed with "washer woman's elbow." I could definitely see her writing newspaper editorials; she can apparently write, she has opinions about everything, which don't waver even when she's wrong, and she's never afraid to say what's on her mind. Someone like that gets attention and brings in readers, which means newspapers all over the country would be eager to pick her up.

  4. I had never heard of "parity" in the farming sense...I mean, I believe I've read these strips before, but until now I never quite knew what that meant. But a bit of searching found me a rather nice explanation: Parity in Farm Income and Expenses Enacted Into Law in the 30s
