Showing posts with label offtopic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label offtopic. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2011

OFF-TOPIC: Computer game Kickstarter project

It isn't relevant to Peanuts in the least, but it is something I've been working hard on, and I'm very excited about it, so I figure it should be mentioned here, like, once.

I'm working on a computer game project about exploring caves.  It's called "In Profundis," and I've just launched a Kickstarter project for it.  If you're interested in such things, why not go have a look, and maybe contribute to the cause?

In Profundis Kickstarter page

There, all done.  We now return you to our regularly-scheduled comic strips.

Monday, November 30, 2009

OFF-TOPIC: Beanworld Book 3

Hoka-hoka-hey! The long drought is finally over! Beanworld Book 3 has arrived from Amazon! I've been obsessed with Beanworld for months now, and to actually have not just one, but a thick book of new stories, it seems almost like too much. It is wonderful! This post from Scott McCloud's blog explains why, and also provides some art examples from the new book. (S.McC. has a letter in one of the earliest Tales Of The Beanworld comics, as does Bob Burden of Flaming Carrot!)

It may seem at first to be night-and-day different from something like Peanuts, but the heavily-stylized art styles are fairly similar. Peanuts are a kind of legume after all!