This strip is a solid point of development towards Snoopy's status as a foil to Charlie Brown. There's a lot of other classic elements in this strip: Charlie Brown's failures as a ball player, Schroeder's role as catcher, Snoopy kind of playing a role as a fielder and his playfulness, and CB's impotent reaction to it at the end.
* The short distance between the pitcher's "mound" and home plate, and how Charlie Brown has to throw the ball in an arc to avoid the strip's title.
* Snoopy's cloud of "R"s in panel five.
* The tiny Patty off the field in panel six. There's another tiny figure in the background, but I can't tell who it is.
* Panel nine: "Oh good grief!"
* The vigor and looseness of the entire sequence. I think this is Peanuts art at its height right here.
* Snoopy's smug expression in the last panel. That dog!
And that's 1,000 posts, I think! (Blogger's numbering might be counting some future posts I have scheduled that haven't appeared yet.) Posts have been slow as of late, and for that I apologize, but it's been some weird times out here. We've got some interesting strips coming up though so it should pick up for a while, hopefully I can keep up the energy through the next thousand.
Tantric Trauma
5 hours ago