Saturday, April 12, 2014

September 1955

These are notable strips from September 1955, a sequence that begins here on the gocomics website.

September 1:
More "fussbudgeting."  I wonder about the origins of that word.  Anyone out there have access to an OED?

September 2:
Wikipedia, paraphrased, from Sputnik:
"Sputnik 1  was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was a 58 cm (23 in) diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October 1957. It was visible all around the Earth and its radio pulses were detectable. The surprise success precipitated the American Sputnik crisis and triggered the Space Race, a part of the larger Cold War. The launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments."

This strip went out a couple of years before that, so I assume they're talking about unsuccessful US efforts to orbit a satellite.  Anyway, over the years Charlie Brown's had so many stomach-aches from listening to his friends I'd think it's indicative of some deeper issue, maybe ulcers.

September 3:
This has some cute drawings of Snoopy in it, especially in the third panel.  Also, serif'd letters, which are an interesting idea in comic lettering.

September 4:
Snoopy dance!  We can't have seen it more than a couple of times to this point.  It makes a sound like stompity here.  A sunflower seed does seem like insufficient reward for all that effort, although its specificity is interesting.

Snoopy's expressions throughout this strip are great, but especially in the first and last panels.

September 5:
More on satellites.  Lucy, I think I remember Schulz saying at one point, is a character that expresses indignation well -- apparently, even when it's misplaced.  Of course these days all satellites are equipped with advanced dog-detection and evasion programming, and special maneuvering jets they use on re-entry to enable them to avoid crushing wayward canines when they fall through the atmosphere at the end of their working life.

September 6:
This is the first strip where Snoopy actually roleplays as some other animal.  Before he just moved like a snake, by way of demonstration, but here he acts the part.  In upcoming decades this would become one of the most defining aspects of the character.  Snoopy's body will become increasingly flexible and malleable to support these flights of fancy.

September 7:
More slithering around.  We've also got a nice stylized question-mark.  Of course snakes, like all wild animals, don't have it nearly as good as Snoop does here.  In my part of the country, folks kill most snakes without second thought.  Much like....

September 8: this.  Snake sequence #3.  BTW, seeing Lucy playing with a doll seems a little weird to me.  It seems like she should at least be putting pins into it, or something.

September 9:
Lucy keeps skate keys hidden all over the neighborhood.  In case of skating emergencies.  (If you get the reference I'm making there, well, I admit it, I'm a fan.)

Yahoo Answers (sometimes it's actually helpful!) supplies the meaning here, which confused me as a kid too.  It seems that it used to be that roller skates were originally worn over shoes, and the key was inserted to adjust a metal frame so the straps fit securely over them, in the manner of tightening a bolt.  Nowadays roller skates seem to be used less frequently outside of places like roller rinks, which is something of a shame.

September 10:
Charlie Brown's come some ways from his smart-alecky roots, although I don't think he ever quite loses that entirely.

September 11:
Snoopy is a fun character to look at, and this strip is nearly entirely his reactions.  The best ones are panels 1, 5 and 7.

September 13:
This one's has its roots in a sort of sarcastic adult observation about the manner in which kids treat their possessions.  The Lucy has a set procedure for this indicates that she's seen her fair number of boxes of new crayons. Linus' admiration is the heart of the strip, though, that extra touch that makes it more than just kiddie shenanigans.

September 15:
Linus is becoming more talkative, and as he does he moves further into the regular cast.  I like the joke here, which kind of implies that the severity of a condition requires doctors drive a larger vehicle, in order to freight all that severity around with them.

September 18:
This one refers to the strip from last month, continuing with Snoopy's croquet hoop antics.  Croquet hoops are fairly low to the ground, so Snoopy can't be that large a dog to get away with this.  There's some cool lettering in this one.  Check out the serif'd outlines on the lowercase "hop" in panel 10.

September 19:
Can you imagine how creepy it would be to see a real dog with the expression Snoopy wears in the last panel here?

September 20:
You just know Lucy would be a big hit there.  The whole joke here comes from the incongruous final panel, which is intended to shock the reader just enough to be funny.  There's another similar strip I remember reading in which Lucy laments that she never really gets what she wants for Christmas: real estate!  It's important that the reveal be short to maintain the timing of the joke.

September 21:
Again I ask: how does Snoopy blush through fur?

September 22:
I've remarked before about Schulz's rain, which appears to be labor-intensive.  It looks like it was lightly applied, which produces the thin, reedy lines seen here.  Keep in mind, one of the secrets to cartooning is that artists typically work much larger than you see in the newspaper, so those thin rain lines weren't quite so thin when he drew them.  While Schulz does a good job with avoiding the thought bubbles and speech balloons, you can see a couple of places where the rain intrudes slightly into the bubble. 

September 23:
I think this strip is the first time Linus quotes anything.  Later on, he'd become known as the biblical scholar of the group.  I notice that Lucy's clothes here somewhat resemble the clothes she'd wear in later strips, once her wide-bottomed blue skirt became too old-fashioned to retain.

September 24:
Wait, what?  Are the ducks hunting the dogs?  Maybe I don't get it.

September 25:
Panels 2 and 4 here are interesting for being early examples of characters walking in perfect profile on the ground, without a shadow or horizon line behind them.

September 26 & 27:
Schroeder gets to show off his musical knowledge again.  I looked up the song Schroeder mentions in the first panel: yikes!  If it's the right piece, that's a formidable bit of playing.

The shrunken character representing embarrassment is something we've seen before.  One thing your more inventive comic artists might do is try to supplement the fairly arbitrary, traditional visual language of comics with new ideas.  For those new to comics, Berkeley Breathed supplied a helpful visual guide to some of the more common of these visual representations.  It might be interesting to add: Japanese comics, or manga, shares some of this visual language, but also has a completely different set of them, more formalized, and so firmly established that they've branched out into anime as well, so characters will sport, say, a large stylized sweat droplet to indicate strain, or throbbing veins for anger, even when those states could be indicated through speech and animation.

September 28:
Blankets may provide emotional succor, but ultimately, are purely material.  It doesn't seem to be a sacred object to Linus yet.

September 29:
Surprised and shaking Snoopy is best Snoopy.

September 30:
And we end with my favorite strip of the month.  Charlie Brown's reaction makes this one for me.  Sticks and stones can break his bones, and a good insult will send him reeling too!  He actually seems to be in pain there.  Lucy's joy at inflicting damage upon Charlie Brown's psyche doesn't seem to be personal.  She doesn't hate him, the joy she feels is more at the exhibition of personal skill.  Look at that wide smile in the first panel.  Hurray!

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That's September.  We didn't skip too many this time out I notice, there's still a good ratio of interesting strips to skipable ones.  Next time, for October 1955, the kids'll be fascinated by autumn leaves, we'll look at the origins of a mysterious playground phrase, Lucy throws Linus into a state of existential dread, and, of course, there's Halloween.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Remainder of AAUGHust 1955

So, my new plan is to do a post every week or two, covering a month.  Not every strip in that month, because there are a lot that are just some wordplay or a minor joke.  But still, a good number.  Here's a few now!

August 14

She certainly "broke," all right.  Lucy continues to develop into the terror we know and love.  This is an excellent strip from the time; it's got good art, and not only does it show the characters' personalities clearly, but it even ends with a good sight gag.  The only weird thing about it is Schroeder saying "Where's the chalk?" in the first panel, which doesn't have a purpose as far as I can see.

August 15

Is that really how a dog says "bow wow?"  This one's linked for containing an extensive Snoopy thought bubble, which are still rare at this time.  It's also the second strip in a row to contain a "good grief," one of Peanuts' particular catchphrases and a favorite of Charlie Brown.

August 16

And this one got selected for showing Linus' increasing blanket mania.

August 17

Poor ol' Charlie Brown.

August 18
1. Snoopy and Linus are a prominent double act in the early years of the strip.
2. Linus' shirt lacks its characteristic stripes here.

August 19

A use of "rats," just about strongest curse a Peanuts character will ever utter.  In any case, we know Snoopy has his day, it's August 4th.

August 20

Presented for laugh value.  The aspect of this strip that elevates it for me is Charlie Brown's warning.  Snoopy's leaps have a lot of character, the design reminds me of the looser, leaner, 60s Snoopy.

August 21

Nice backgrounds in this strip!  I've remarked about them before of course, but this one has a wealth of unnecessary detail.

August 24

This is a good example of a kind of joke that you rarely see outside of Peanuts, taking something we take for granted, extrapolating it in an unexpected direction, and illustrating a reaction.  Also, it gives us an early AAUGHH!

August 25

More serif Zs, and a good ornate question mark above Shermy's head too.  I'm surprised more hasn't been said about Charles Schulz's attention to detail in rendering language.  You art majors out there, I'm sure there's a decent paper in this for you!

August 28

"I thought I heard hoofbeats?"  Wait, what?

A good example of Snoopy as energetic mischief maker, a prominent role for him in this age of the strip.  Also note the looped 'W' in WHAM.  Let's also note, for a moment, Charlie Brown's warning in panel 6, which breaks up the Zooms, gives us an effective comedy beat right before the collision, and makes Snoopy's crash more painful by showing us another character reacting with dismay at it.  While the action of Snoopy running around is entertaining, if you read it while leaving out the sixth and last panels it's just the scene of an accident.  It's Charlie Brown's annoyance that makes the strip funny.

August 29
This is the first time Snoopy has acted out one of his fantasies, an important step in the development of his rich internal life, which would become one of Peanuts' defining characteristics.

August 30

We've seen a reference to Miss Frances, of the nearly-forgotten preschool kids' show Ding Dong School, before.  Interestingly, the Miss Frances Wikipedia page mentions that Peanuts referred to them four times.  This is the second; the other two are in 1956.  It goes to show, Peanuts wasn't afraid to make pop culture references, even from a fairly early point.

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Well, that's a good start towards reviving the blog.  I actually had most of this written two days ago, but Blogger ate the images and some of the text and I had to rebuild it.  The next post should cover all of September, and from there we're going to try to do a month at a time for awhile.  Note these images are not linked to their gocomics versions.  Sorry about that, I just wanted to get the thing up after the hiatus, I'll go back to linking them to the official archive soon.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Let's see, where were we

We left off on August 13, 1955, on a post made October 3, 2012.  We'll probably be looking at more of a weekly schedule now, and trying (once more) not to cover every strip.  There are still plenty of notable ones, but I must maintain some kind of discipline or I'll never finish this, and I'll end up falling off the update schedule again out of hopelessness.

Since the last comic-related post, tragically, my and most of the internet's favorite feed reader, Google Reader, was deemed unimportant by its company and terminated, an act for which I carry a grudge against Google that I am prepared to bear until my dying day.  I expect that most of you who still use RSS have found other solutions by now.  Of course, I am fully prepared to keep the feed going, at least as long as Blogger keeps going, knock on wood amirite?  (glare)

I'll see about making a more substantive post soon, maybe this weekend, and we'll see how it goes from there.  Thanks for keeping us in your reader.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I still exist....

Hey everyone!  I'm sorry I haven't updated this lately, to be honest I'm not quite sure what direction I should take this blog.  I don't think the one-post-a-day thing works out so well, and covering every strip produced a lot of repeating myself.  Any suggestions for a productive way for me to continue this that will be less onerous/more interesting to read?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4 is Snoopy Day! What do ya say?


Happy Snoopy day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

August 8-13, 1955: How dare they sully the good name of Crockett?

Sunday, August 7 isn't on the gocomics site.
August 7:
Charlie Brown experiencing this kind of outburst is rare, through the overall history of the strip. This is more the kind of thing the other characters would do, although CB will do it if it regards someone he really admires. Less often Davy Crockett, more often Joe Shlabotnik.
August 8:
Linus hasn't spoken a word to another person yet, but he plays baseball. (Of course, Snoopy never speaks to another person -- or rather, doesn't say things other than "Boo.") Everyone remember Schroeder-the-musician, but Schroeder-the-catcher appears frequently, if less distinctively.
August 9:
Canine prodigies are disconcerting. Sarcastic ones moreso.
August 10:

Yeah Linus, I know how you feel. The blanket hasn't become a big element of the strip yet, but we're getting there.

August 11:

How does Schroeder know about used cars? I like how the kids don't refer to the baby sitters by name, just by their attributes and reputation. It's an impersonal relationship, that between the high school student and her temporary charges. The most legendary babysitter in comics would have to be Calvin's nemesis Rosalyn. It's really difficult to picture a character like her in Peanuts, and not just because she's an adult.

August 12:

Charlie Brown has mostly laughed at this kind of rejection up to now, but this is getting more to his familiar personality from later strips.


Since the last post, the comics world took a grevious blow when Richard Thompson, creator of the best modern comic strip going by a wide margin, Cul De Sac, had to lay down his pen due to encroaching Parkinson's Disease. I'm sorry I wasn't about to work in more references to it in these posts; it is wonderful in a way that fans of Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes will find familiar, but still manages to be distinct from both of them in both style and tone. Alice is kind of like Calvin but more realistic and much more random; Petey is like Charlie Brown except much more introverted and nervous. The strip ended just after its fifth birthday, and in far fewer newspapers than you'd expect from its extreme brilliance, but I'm still suffering from a strong sense of deja vu from when C&H closed up shop. Thompson says he's quitting because the disease made it hard to keep up with the strong deadlines of a newspaper strip, so I'm hoping, kind of like Michael J. Fox, that we haven't heard the last from him, or his brilliant creation maybe in some other form.

Friday, September 21, 2012

August 1-6,1955: Boring days in Peanuts-ville

Not a lot to say about most of these strips.
August 1:

Patty and Violet have taunted Charlie Brown with party exclusion before, but now it's starting to look particularly malicious.

August 2:

Not really a lot of joke here, I guess. It does look a little more like Snoops is Charlie Brown's dog, however. I wonder, in the future post-apocalyptic culture-to-come that treats comics as holy texts, if the mystery of Snoopy's early ownership will become fiercely-contested dogma and the subject of vicious crusades?

August 3:

That's a lot of effort Charles Schulz put into that big star on the left. Remember: these panels are blacked-out, so those stars are all made out of negative space.

August 4:

It just occurred to me, we don't see an awful lot of the Peanuts kids hanging out around water throughout the strip. I remember seeing C.B. at the seashore some time back (Patty and Violet mistook his head for a beachball), and there have been several wading pools.

August 5:

I wonder... is that tree back there the same tree, earlier in life, that we would frequently see the kids laying beneath later on?

August 6:

Charlie Brown's attitude in panel 2 is largely my own opinion on riddles. Neither of us would do very well if tasked to win magic rings from slimy cave-dwellers.



Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday, July 31, 2012: 1,000 posts!

This strip is a solid point of development towards Snoopy's status as a foil to Charlie Brown. There's a lot of other classic elements in this strip: Charlie Brown's failures as a ball player, Schroeder's role as catcher, Snoopy kind of playing a role as a fielder and his playfulness, and CB's impotent reaction to it at the end.


* The short distance between the pitcher's "mound" and home plate, and how Charlie Brown has to throw the ball in an arc to avoid the strip's title.

* Snoopy's cloud of "R"s in panel five.

* The tiny Patty off the field in panel six. There's another tiny figure in the background, but I can't tell who it is.

* Panel nine: "Oh good grief!"

* The vigor and looseness of the entire sequence. I think this is Peanuts art at its height right here.

* Snoopy's smug expression in the last panel. That dog!


And that's 1,000 posts, I think! (Blogger's numbering might be counting some future posts I have scheduled that haven't appeared yet.) Posts have been slow as of late, and for that I apologize, but it's been some weird times out here. We've got some interesting strips coming up though so it should pick up for a while, hopefully I can keep up the energy through the next thousand.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

July 25-30, 1955: Fun is Good Enjoyment

July 25:

Lucy's smile in panel three is an atypical expression for her.

July 26:

Whoop? Although it's difficult to think of a better bit of onomatopoeia to use here. Maybe "whine," but that's not really a sound effect. Maybe "ouch," but Snoopy can't talk. Speaking of which, Snoopy's got another thought balloon here. I think he's finally in the phase where he mostly uses thought bubbles.

July 27:

We've not gotten huge amounts of hate out of Patty and Violet yet, although it's flared up from time to time. Charlie Brown does seem to be giving Violet cause for her outburst here. How about a little personal space, kid?

July 28:

Although Snoopy doesn't talk to the characters, they've never shown themselves (to my knowledge) to have any doubts that Snoopy understands them. Charie Brown's phrase here, "You just aren't much for doing things right, are you?", sounds idiomatic in a midwestern kind of way to me, like something that might have been floating around Schulz's hearing that he thought to call up. But that's just a guess, of course. The drawing of Snoopy running here is very nice, and the next strip shows that it's not the only way Schulz has to draw it. You can imagine pretty well what Snoopy would look like in motion from these.

July 29:

This is a very "Peanuts" kind of punchline, taking something the kids have figured out (regardless of whether it's true or not) and extrapolating it to draw further conclusions. I don't think an awful lot of strips would think to do that.

July 30:

Oooooo! Not only do we not get to get the bug's "house," presumably a hole, we don't even get to see the bug. The hyphens between the Ts in "pret-t-t-y fancy" are a good textual representation of a spoken idiom. (I guess "idiom" is the word of the day.)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sunday, July 24, 1955: WHEN Will I Ever Learn?!

What appears to be an ordinary gag shows unexpected depths when examined more closely.

What does Snoopy mean by "WHEN will I ever learn?!" At first glance it looks like he's expressing regret that he enjoyed himself too much and, in his excitement, hit the pavement. But look at Patty and Violet's faces: they don't smile, or frown, or act even act surprised the whole time. Even in panel six their expressions are remarkably deadpan. In panels eight and nine their reaction is mostly: "Well, that happened. Lemonade?" Because of this, I propose that Snoopy's thought balloon in the last panel has more to do with disappointment at the lack of concern expressed by the human girls than any regret for going overboard.

Oh, also, this is Snoopy using thought balloons completely in the modern style, with a trail of bubbles as if talking to himself. I don't think it's absolutely the first time it's happened, but up until now, except for one or two early instances, he's either been completely wordless or used word balloons. That marks a major advancement for the strip.