Monday, December 14, 2009

March 6, 1952: Three-quarters angled down Violet head


This is a fairly ordinary strip, but it's worth posting for the view of Violet's head in the third panel, which is quite interesting. The angle works pretty well I think.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

March 4, 1952: PLEEEESE?


Before her awesome rage-based powers became evident, Lucy was quite the charmer.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

March 3, 1952: Dear god, it's HER


Aww, isn't she cute? Little did anyone, least of all Schulz himself, know that with the introduction of that (literally) wide-eyed little girl jumping rope, there was created perhaps the most concentrated entity of wrath ever to grace the comics page.

The Fuss-Budget. The Mistress Crabby. The Atom Bomb. She that doth provide the football, and she that taketh it hence.

So faint not dear reader, but yet be warned! It has awakened!


Friday, December 11, 2009

Sunday, March 2, 1952: This should satisfy the health inspector


"You've come to the right place... more or less."

It's another joke collage, and another chapter in Violet's obsession with mud food. Muud.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

March 1, 1952: Whee!


How did he get out of his house so fast? How could the characters think they were hiding behind that tiny fence?

The third panel here is most interesting to me, since it depicts three characters running. It's not as easy to depict a cartoon character running, cleanly, as you might think, and those squat Peanuts characters have special issues with it. The general pose these running characters adopt is leaning forward slightly, front leg lifted up and bent, rear leg bent and folder under the body, and arms held out a little with hands crumpled. They are also shown "hovering" in the air. Note that their legs are a little longer when running, so they don't look too strange, but in the last panel their legs must be quite a bit longer for them to be holding that crouching pose.

Note that characters who are actively trying to run lean forward a little, but Charlie Brown, who isn't trying to run very hard because he's not intent on escaping and doesn't know why he's running, is leaning backwards a little. This post also helps to keep him distinct from the other characters, since his head is moved out from behind Patty's. Also note Shermy's pose in the second panel, with his right leg pulling away from the door a little in anticipation of his run. These are the kinds of things a good nuts-and-bolts cartoonist thinks about. It is hard to imagine, say, Scott Adams, whose cartoons are more about irony and banter, and who uses characters mostly as containers for dialogue, it is hard to imagine him spending much time worrying about these things.

Finally, did kids every say "whee" like that?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

February 27, 1952: Ay, there's the rub


There is an unusual convention in this strip, the character who, out loud, comments on something happening in the strip to the reader, who cannot be heard by the other characters in the strip. Notice that Schulz isn't using thought balloons for Charlie Brown. It's a kind of theatrical effect, that of a spoken internal monologue.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

February 26, 1952: Dolls are not good melee weapons


It's been a while since we had a turnabout/chase strip! Patty threatening to hit CB with her beloved doll is nice.

Monday, December 7, 2009

February 25, 1952: "Yes sir, this shampoo is just the thing for your fleas."


In the Peanuts backstory Charlie Brown's father is a barber, which mirrored the occupation of Charles Schulz's real-life father. You can't be blamed for not knowing this fact as it seldom factored into the strip in later years, perhaps due to the awkwardness of making use of the fact after Schulz's own father passed on.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, February 24, 1952: Sure I've heard of crocodiles


The throwaway first-panel joke, I think, is funnier than the rest of it, though Patty's comment in panel 5 is pretty good.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

February 23, 1954: Hey, guess what it's made of!



At least now she sees that it's not edible.