Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, April 19, 1953: Shermy Pitches


In this early baseball strip Charlie Brown's team is losing even though he's catching this game.

Look at that first panel for a moment. There are six kids pictured. Counting from the left, it's hard to tell who the second and third ones are. The second kind of looks like Charlie Brown, and the third like Shermy, but they're already in the shot viewed up close. This would make these two kids the first "extra" human characters in all of Peanuts. (Animals have had a couple of extras so far, an anonymous dog and a bird.) Some of the other panels have unknown extras too, as well as Lucy and Schroeder a couple of times.

Friday, September 24, 2010

April 18, 1953: Stylish Snoopy


The construction of the punchline of this joke is pure comedy 101. For some reason, I consider, it is important that the reader sees the punch of this kind of joke, that it's a sight gag, instead of reads it out of a word balloon. This lets the humor value of the drawing of Snoopy with a haircut assist the main joke (that of a dog, an unlikely competitor, beating Shermy to getting the first haircut of the summer).

It is important, I think, that the payoff be a sight gag, but I'm not exactly sure why. It might be because the rest of the strip is primarily verbal, so it needs the sight gag for variety. Or it might be because Shermy's reaction is spoken, and having two characters speak at the essential moment of comedy would be unwieldly. It might just have to do with that nebulous comedic concept, timing. Or maybe, if the punch moment of the strip were told instead shown, it'd seem arbitrary and forced.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

April 17, 1953: Lucy's Space Suit


More playing Space Hero with the boys. I mentioned Lucy's late-era change of outfit yesterday. Her updated attire actually doesn't look that different from her sleepers here.

Schroeder actually looks pretty cool in the first panel. Are those 3D glasses? How about Charlie Brown's TV-antenna beanie?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

April 16, 1953: Playing Guns with Girls


The gender norms of Peanuts are worthy of examination. They're rather complex.

For decades, all the female characters wore dresses nearly all the time. Late in the strip's run Lucy's default outfit changed to what looks like a jogging suit.

Considering that the strip is still in the early 50s this isn't surprising. The girls, however, don't appear to be so traditional regarding to their choices of games to play. They play dolls and house (or Mud Pie Chef) sometimes, but they've been just as apt to play Cowboys and Indians, or Space Hero.

This is really progressive if you think about it: even as late as Calvin and Hobbes, Susie, when playing, is nearly always seen at some girl-oriented activity like playing Tea Party or House. (This is probably because it's so entertaining to watch Calvin react to stereotypically feminine things.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

April 13, 1953: Second Use of "Fuss-Budget"


The first time it was used Lucy wasn't really all that fussy. Her behavior has been edging closer towards making the label a reality.

Monday, September 20, 2010

April 9, 1953: The Mystery of Schroeder's Piano


One thing about Peanuts is how it plays sometimes with the line between cartoonishness and reality. Between the two, it usually sticks pretty close to reality, at least in its physics, which makes the occasional launches into surreal logic, such as here, more effective. That's important. If crazy things happen all the time, the reader comes to expect them, and they have much less of an impact. Lots of webcomics get this wrong.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

April 8, 1953: On the mound: Charlie Brown's pitching isn't that great


These are the strips that initially establish Charlie Brown's lack of playing skill. Not really a lot to say about them other than that.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

April 6, 1953: On the mound: Charlie Brown dodges his first line drive


A notable series much later has Charlie Brown getting hit by a line drive and lamenting how his reflexes are going as he gets older.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sunday, April 5, 1953: Charlie Brown's first breakdown


Remember when I said that a character's personality tends to become set the moment other characters refer to it? This is what I mean. Charlie Brown's exaggerated reaction could be taken as cartoonish hyperbole right up until Violet and Patty remark upon it. That proves that his hysterics are intended to be hysterical, and the relief the reader feels at having any first reaction to CB's weird behavior as weird justified lends extra comedic punch to the strip.

Roasted Peanuts: dedicated to over-analyzing each strip to the point where all humor is lost!

(P.S., Again I feel compelled to remind you: don't give your own dogs chocolate creams, or indeed chocolate anything. Chocolate is toxic for dogs.)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

April 4, 1953: Of interest to trivia quizzers

Q: In the comic strip Peanuts, what is Violet's last name?


[In case the img source for this comic goes dark later: it is Gray.]

Characters with last names that we know:
Charlie (and Sally) Brown (of course)
Linus and Lucy (and Rerun) Van Pelt
and now: Violet Gray

There are a few other characters with known last names. "Peppermint" Patty has one, Reichardt.