Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday, March 28, 1954: An outsider's view of the Van Pelt family

Read this strip at gocomics.com.

The first two panels have more of Lucy's ability to rule it over Charlie Brown in checkers, but the main thrust of this strip is twofold.  First, Lucy shows a rather astonishing lack of interest in Linus.  I think this is the first time her dislike of her brother has really come to fore.  Like many of the relations of Peanuts this is fluid and comes and goes over time, but in the long run at least it seems to be an aspect of Lucy's character that sticks.  It makes me feel kind of sorry for both of them.

But the reason Linus likes to play by himself, it turns out, is that he is insanely functional, like in an autistic sense.

It seems like the way a Cthulhu cultist might not be able to talk without inserting ftagn every other sentence, but has bizarre, yet correct, insights into the nature of the universe.

META: Dammit Blogger

Blogger in Draft's interface has changed completely since yesterday, it's going to take some time to retrain myself for this.  So far my reaction has been: GUH, if I wanted "blogs I'm following" to be the main thing I see upon logging in, I'd go to Google Reader.

Monday, June 6, 2011

March 25-27, 1954: Three, golly gee

Read these strips at gocomics.com.

More glued-together strips from Universal's slightly malformed archive.

March 25, 1954:
Patty is an expert at marbles.  I've had the same reaction that Patty gets from Charlie Brown and Shermy, from people who balk at playing Monopoly without the various house rules (like money on Free Parking or no auctions) that make that very long game much longer.

March 26, 1954:
Now isn't that a hellish visage to have suddenly thrust into your face?

March 27, 1954:
More developing of Charlie Brown's "loser" persona.  I wonder if Schulz knew he was fixing the kid's personality for all time in these strips, or if he thought it was just another story theme, like Linus' Newton-defying block building skills or Violet's mud pie fixation?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

March 22-24, 1954: Three don't you see

Read this strip at gocomics.com.

More badly-framed strips from that odd place in the internet Peanuts archives, probably caused by an oversight when these were scanned in from print compilations.

March 22, 1954:
At this point in the strip, examples like yesterday notwithstanding, Patty is kind of like the female Charlie Brown.  Not in the sense of being defeated by the world, but in the sense of being an every-person suitable for use in general.  She is rather more competent than Charlie Brown though, and clearer-headed.

Again, the difference between Peanuts and other strips?  Poorer strips would probably end with a sarcastic comment from Patty and make that the punchline.  Competent strips would end with Charlie Brown pointing at Snoopy, and letting the reader laugh at that dumb kid himself.  Peanuts gives us that last panel, which sympathizes with Charlie Brown.  It recognizes that, hey, we're all stupid like this sometime, and when we realize that we are we should be embarrassed about it.  But we should also get out of the weather.

March 23, 1954:

Violet's fixation on the preparation of mud pies is one of the earliest recognizable traits exhibited by a specific Peanuts character.  We haven't seen it for a while though.  As I've said previously, when you're sentenced to come up with a joke a day for the rest of your life, you use what you think of.  Schulz attacked this somewhat dismal craft without complaint, and frequently with genius.

March 24, 1954:
Charlie Brown's insecure personality is developing clearly now, but Schulz still gives him an out sometimes, with the kids calling for him. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunday, March 21, 1954: Eight stages of grief

Read this strip at gocomics.com.

Beginning with panel eight:

1. Shock
2. Disbelief
3. Confirmation
4. Anger
5. Blankness
6. Taking off your shirt(?)
7. Wide-mouthed frowning
8. Sighing

They might not be the official stages, but they work for Charlie Brown.

This is possibly the most directly hostile act so far seen in Peanuts.  It would be worthy of Lucy.  There are no extenuating circumstances, and nothing sets Patty off, yet she accomplishes her self-appointed task with relish.  It's kind of out of character.  Even when she's part of the team act with Violet against CB, their methods are less overt.

Switch the gender roles here and the strip would turn out quite different.  Even this early, it doesn't seem to be in Charlie Brown's nature to do something this mean.  It's the kind of thing Calvin might do to Susie, but not without some form of judgmental comeuppance from the cartoonist.

Friday, June 3, 2011

March 18-21, 1954: Three in a tree

Read these strips at gocomics.com.

Another triple.

March 18, 1954:
If you're as small as Linus, a bag of blocks is in fact a very useful thing to have.  Of course most little kids don't have the block-stacking skill or the utilitarian frame of mind to make the proper use of them.

March 19, 1954:
Linus' block-stacking powers have met their match.

March 20, 1954:
This is sort of a response to Charlie Brown giving Violet chocolates for Income Tax Day back on Monday.  Charlie Brown's "Wow!" in the first panel is mighty fancy, like a small version of the looping letters Schulz sometimes draws large.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

March 15-17, 1954: Three for free

Read these strips at gocomics.com.

Three more conjoined strips, caused when whoever scanned these forgot to crop.

March 15, 1954:
A funny strip in general.  Charlie Brown is not one to let a card go to waste, even if it's not really suited for its purpose.  At least we should be glad Schroeder isn't giving out Beethoven's Birthday cards.  Yet.

March 16, 1954:
Snoopy is using thought balloons!  I think he used them one time before, but this time I think it "takes."  Good faces on Snoopy here.

March 17, 1954:
Patty is unexpectedly a marbles shark.  Not as bad as Lucy at checkers, but still.  What do marbles champs do with all their winnings?  She must have a huge collection of the things by now.  I wonder if the marbles companies engineered the whole "playing for keeps" idea, the same way Wizards of the Coast put playing "for ante" in the official rules to Magic: The Gathering?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunday, March 14, 1954: Snowball Fail

Read this strip over at gocomics.com.

Charlie Brown doesn't have it in him to make a really evil face, such that Calvin could or, closer to home, Lucy of a few years from now.  There is sort of that aspect of Calvin picking on Susie here, although it's usually more of an outside source that gives him his comeuppance.


Monday, May 30, 2011

March 11-13, 1954: Three again, again

Read these strips at gocomics.com.

Some more glued-together strips. I'm going to have to go in and fix these when/if they correct these images.

March 11, 1954:
More head-patting from Snoopy, with another word-bubble depiction of his thoughts. The big punchline in A Charlie Brown Christmas when the kid puts his ornament on the Christmas Shrub, is kind of a callback to this.

March 12, 1954:
Taken with the last three strips, Schulz has alternated between Linus block strips and Snoopy head-pat strips this whole week. When he on a whim (it seems to me) made Schroeder into a musical prodigy it became a permanent part of his character, but Linus' block-building skills don't seem to have survived into the later years of the strip.

March 13, 1954:
Snoopy's versatile ears come to the rescue of his sensitive head.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

March 8-10, 1954: Three again

Read this strip at gocomics.com.

Three more strips that were presented glued together.

March 8, 1954: Linus and his blocks again. As we saw yesterday, the kid gets a lot of use out of them. For him, a pile of blocks is a protean meta-object, a thing that can become other things.

March 9, 1954: How does Lucy say the words "Pat him on the head"? Is it a suggestion? A request? Is she just narrating her own action?

Charlie Brown's a bit more familiar with Snoopy than the others, calling him "ol' pal." It's still some time before we have conclusive evidence Snoopy is his dog, though.

Snoopy's face on that second panel is a winner.  In the last two panels he thinks again using word balloons.  In the third he does so near humans, but none of them throughout the strip seem to recognize his discomfort so I think it's safe to say they can't understand him.

March 10, 1954: Give Linus a stack of blocks and a place on which to stand, and he will build the world.