Sunday, January 31, 2010

May 13, 1952: We've all known people like this


This is a remarkably understated strip. There is no punchline!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

May 12,1952: Roll a d20 to resolve the attack


Role-playing games often use the question of who-shot-whom in a game of Cowboys and Indians to explain why they use die rolls to resolve those issues. They assume that most players aren't as fair-minded as Charlie Brown!

Calvin would not have let Shermy win like that. In fact, Watterson would have probably turned this into a Sunday strip, and have Calvin go to extravagant lengths to come up with reasons that Shermy could never have hit him with his ray gun. This is why Calvin was so popular with his non-tiger friends.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sunday, May 11, 1952: Schroeder in concert (with backup)


The entire joke here rests in Violet saying "let him play by himself" instead of "let Schroeder."

There are some nice touches in this one. In addition to the musical staffs that Schulz spent so much effort on, and he put a G-clef instead of an S in his name in the first panel. But best of all we have Snoopy in this strip for no story-related reason other than just being cute and funny there on his end of the couch. His reaction in panel 6 is best here, he's just rendered so winningly in that pose, exactly halfway between a dog-like and a human reaction. It's great.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

May 9, 1952: Oh no no no no no no no

The image for May 8 is broken on's site.


Lucy would show her gratitude towards Charlie Brown for not demolishing her block tower by pulling away a football more than 40 times.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

May 6, 1952: The monster is sighted


This is the first strip in which Lucy does something actively antagonistic against another character (who is not her unseen father). It is also quite a clever little joke on pool ol' Charlie Brown.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, May 4, 1952: Great Scott! A land mine!


While overall this one is kind of meh, there are some great touches in this one, like CB's reaction to hitting the grate, his goggles, the text on the sign Schroeder hits, and Lucy's determined expression in the third frame, which seems slightly more Lucy-like to my eyes.

Monday, January 25, 2010

May 3, 1952: Charlie Brown is highly suggestible


That is quite the lurid description Violet is giving there. It's like a horror story.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

May 2, 1952: When Schroeder Met Snoopy


I believe Snoopy and Schroeder have been in the same strip before (a Sunday baseball one), but this seems to be the first one in which the two interact.

I suppose we should be thankful that Snoopy isn't a musical prodigy too.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

May 1, 1952: Glub


The inverse of the "girl cares more about Snoopy than she does boy" joke we've seen before.

Friday, January 22, 2010

April 30, 1952: Smaller characters


This strip seems a little under-depicted. Watching Snoopy sliding to a halt in the third panel seems abrupt without seeing him run in the second panel.

Look at the first panel here. The characters viewed from a distance are rendered a little more simply to simulate the increased distance from the reader. Particularly, Lucy's eyes are simple dots instead of circles, making her look a bit more like modern Lucy.