Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Valentine's Day, 1953: The First Time Charlie Brown Got No Valentines


The Little Red-Haired Girl is some time off, but still, this is the first time Charlie Brown is depressed from getting no valentines. It's got a "chagrimace" and everything.

Aren't school valentines a shamefully artificial thing these days anyway? In order to prevent kids from feeling rejected, I seem to remember that we were encouraged to just give one to everyone in class, regardless of gender.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

February 12, 1953: Hey! Hey!


Doesn't this actually just serve as more evidence that Charlie Brown's right? If Shermy had used Snoopy's name Charlie Brown wouldn't have thought he was being called.

Monday, August 9, 2010

February 9, 1953: Spite Candy


This is a great strip! I'm going to try to work "spite candy," or other spite things, into conversations.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, February 8, 1953: J'ACCUSE


This is an excellent strip.

I love Lucy's direct, indignant accusation of Snoopy: "You took TWO!" Although nowhere in her counting panels does she say the word "two," which makes me wonder if the spoken-aloud counting is a sham.

If the counting is taken to be real, my explanation is that Lucy has developer her own, personal representation of the number system, which she uses internally and translates when speaking to others. When she's speaking out loud as an aid to counting however, she uses her own symbols.

The question marks (excusing the fact that there are three of them) in the last panel are a bit weird, like he's questioning now Lucy's counting system but his own inability to comprehend it.

Oh, and Snoopy has thought balloons with word balloon tails here again.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

February 7, 1953: Lucy's Fussiness


At this point we've heard Lucy described as a "fussbudget" once, but the only times she's really been fussy are with Charlie Brown, and even then not much.

In the second panel it's unclear that Charlie Brown is actually holding two glasses. The shading makes it look strangely like he has arm hair.

Friday, August 6, 2010

February 6, 1953: Snoopy's Thought Bubbles Return


It's been a few months since Snoopy had thought balloons. They still have the speech balloon tail. (If I remember correctly, one strip so far has had the standard "thought balloon" tail, with all the others having a tapering speech balloon tail.)

The contents of the bubble is more typically Snoopy this time, dissatisfied with the world of dogness.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

February 5, 1953: Schroeder the Alliterative Musician


Sometimes I think Schulz uses Schroeder as a way of subtly revealing his own artistic ambitions. It would have been funny to see Schroeder's opinion of American Idol.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

February 4, 1953: Schroeder the Ordinary Kid


Nothing to do with music at all! Even at this early date a high percentage of the Schroeder strips concern music in some way, so it's nice to see the kid have normal childhood experiences.

Monday, August 2, 2010

February 10, 1953: Why, you're just dragging a mechanical duck


Another great strip, Schulz is on a roll.

(ACK, didn't mean to post this one right away, it's kind of out of order and my comment doesn't make sense without the other ones right before it. Still, I love the strip!)

February 3, 1953: Charlie Brown Learns the Hard Way


Lucy's arm, and the fist at the end of it, becomes quite a terror in the years to come.